16 Gross Things All Women Do But Will Never Admit Them! Number 16 Is Gross

We women are extremely secretive and we totally agree with it. Women do certain gross things but will never admit it and there is nothing you can do to make them admit it. In fact, a number of women can take a secret to the grave and you’ll never know they even had hidden secrets! Well, the types of gross things discussed here are some things that all women do and are common in all of them. Things that women do but will never talk about it, not even with each other. Obviously, because they are kind of gross things. But hey, we’re human. We can be prim and pretty and complete slobs all at the same time but nobody else has to know that. Check below 16 things that we all women do but never admits or discuss it with anyone! 1. Putting your used bras in the washing basket but then taking them out to wear them again because all the other you have are uncomfortable. 2. Checking your tampon or sanitary pads after it’s been used. 3. Making a DIY pad with the toilet paper when you’r...